Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So I've been awol for awhile!! BUSY, BUSY!!

Packing, packing and more packing!!

I know this doesn't look like much but this is just what is in our hallway. Trying to keep most of it hidden in the bedrooms! Most is already in a storage building. I'll have to take a pic to prove that it doesn't take long to acquire a lot of crap, eh, stuff!
I actually just received a call while typing this from the realtor. Closing is still on for August 6. We do another walk through next week so I will be sure and take my camera to get all of my before pics before we start moving in. I will need a lot of help from everyone with decorating ideas in just a few weeks!!

A Sick 2 Year Old

She's finally smiling. After 3 days of a high fever and the doc telling us it's something viral, nothing we can do, she's finally getting back to her old self. As you probably noticed, the orange mouth. Ya, that's m&m's.
See the red spot on her leg? I'm definitely keeping an eye on this. The other thing the doc told us is that Roseola acts a lot like this and after the fever comes a rash that covers the whole body! So far I only noticed this spot on her leg but this could be a reaction to anything, so I sprayed a little benadryl on it and am going to see if it goes away. If not, I guess a call back to the doc is inevitable! No one ever told me before having her that the doc would become my new best friend! Just a heads up would've been nice!! LOL!

So with all of this, plus having to work and be on-call for July, a company picnic and everyday life, I've been pretty busy!!

Here's to hoping things mellow out a bit once we get all moved in!
Hey! A girl can Dream!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad she's finally doing better!!! So excited for y'all to get into your new house!! :) can't wait!!
